Development screencast

Photos by Ole Kristensen

Kinect, folded steel plate, projectors, custom software

Featured Installation Interactive Kinect Light OpenFrameworks

Interactive Light Mapping Sculpture

Moving in front of the sculpture modulates the reflected light. It looks as if people are themselves ligths, their color shining on the triangualar facets on the wall.

Multiplicity was commissioned by Vallensbæk Municipality for their new combined service center, public library and citizens' house.

In collaboration with obscura (dk) I proposed a sculpture consisting of a physical object, folded from laser-cut steel, a couple of projectors, a Kinect and a computer.

The sculpture acts as a platform for interactive software artworks, the first permanent artwork, Multiplicity, becoming just one of the ways to reflect the citizens' movements in their new house.

Credits go to Kyle McDonald for his work on Mapamok, an integral part of making this happen on a short notice.

With: Obscura


2013 11  Permanent installation at Fremtidens Borgerhus, Vallensbæk

Open Source code:


2013 11  Permanent installation at Fremtidens Borgerhus, Vallensbæk

Open Source code:


Multiplicity 2013